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Christmas (Saving Strategies) In July!

July 1, 2024


The holiday season is one of the most magical times of the year. But, it often brings with it a lot of stress and difficulty when it comes to planning - and affording - how you’re going to handle gifts this year.

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Can You Bank on a Credit Union?

June 10, 2024

“What’s the difference between a bank and a credit union?” 

This question is an important one to answer when you’re considering where your money belongs. While a lot of the services between the two overlap, some key differences set them apart when you’re assessing your options.

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Money Milestones: School is in Session

May 30, 2024

One of the biggest financial milestones in life is saving for college. As the costs associated with higher education have continued to rise, it’s more important than ever to take steps early and start both by preparing your own finances and by helping your child understand the value of a dollar.

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Owning vs. Renting: What Makes Sense for You?

May 8, 2024

To buy or not to buy, that is the question. And while this question is often asked, it’s not always the easiest to answer. Deciding to own a home or continue life as a renter depends on a lot of personal factors – the answer truly depends on your own situation, but often the best long-term option is to buy if you’re in a place where it makes sense financially.

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Keep Your Money Safe and Sound

April 3, 2024

You work hard for your money. So, when it comes to its safety and security, you want to make sure that it’s safe and minimize any potential risk.

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How to Handle Whatever Tax Season Has in Store

March 6, 2024

Tax Season can be a bit of a mystery. With so many things changing in your personal life every year, it’s hard to know what that final tax bill will look like.

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Cybersecurity Lessons

February 29,2024

How Does Your Password Stack Up?

Did you know there is a “National Change your Password Day?”

Find out more about it here.


Cybersecurity Lessons

February 8, 2024

Beware Of Cybersquatters!

Have you ever searched for a specific website but landed on a completely different one after misspelling a letter or two in the URL? This deceptive tactic is known as cybersquatting.

Find out more here.


4 Categories for Building Your Perfect Budget

January 25, 2024

For a lot of people, money is a tough topic, and even just thinking about it can cause stress. The good news? You can fall back in love with your finances again – and it doesn’t have to take a big pay raise or winning the lottery to get there.

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Cybersecurity Lessons

January 10, 2024

Browser Vulnerabilities

Watch out for this Google Chrome flaw:

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Save Your Future Self Some Stress

January 3, 2024

With the turn of the new year, January marks the perfect time to start something new and make changes that can have a positive impact on your financial future.

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Don't get Scrooged!

December 7, 2023

For most people, winter is one of the biggest seasons of spending. As we approach the Christmas season, there are gifts to be bought, decorations to get, parties to host and so much more. But as we start to get a little looser with what we’re spending, it can sometimes result in security risks for your funds.

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Cybersecurity Lessons

December 4, 2023

Multi-Factor Authentication and Why it’s Important

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Getting Ready to Refinance

November 9, 2023

After record-low interest rates on home loans in 2020, the industry has continued to see rates climb higher and higher – with the national average nearing 8% as of October 2023. While these rates are causing difficulties for some to afford a new home, others have been able to make the transition to homeownership albeit with a monthly payment that’s a little bit higher than they’d like. The good news is that, eventually, rates will regulate - and homeowners can take preemptive steps now to be ready to capitalize on those lower rates through refinancing.

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Cybersecurity Lessons

November 6, 2023

Learn about DDoS attacks and how they can affect your business.

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Bank How You Want, Where You Want

October 13, 2023

Mobile banking is one of the most important parts of the modern banking experience. As our lives continue to get busier and more chaotic, it’s important to have a bank that can keep up with your day-to-day needs and meet you where you are. That’s why Community Bank offers mobile banking that rivals the big banks.

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Cybersecurity Lessons

October 10, 2023

Learn how to protect yourself from online threats.

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Finish Your Financial Year Strong

September 5, 2023

September signifies a true time of change. As the weather starts to cool down and the season begins to turn, there’s no better time to take a pause and take stock of your savings goals. Summer can often be a time where budgets and practical spending take a backseat, but the present is the perfect time to get back on track.

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Kick-Off College on the Right Financial Foot

August 12, 2023

Fall means back-to-school for many families. For the ones heading off to college, it’s a new adventure and a major milestone. But leaving the nest and taking the big leap can be pretty challenging for incoming freshmen and their parents. You can help give your child the support and stability they need in this critical moment.

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The Best Way to Handle Big Home Projects

July 11, 2023

This summer is the perfect time to get to work on those projects around the house that you’ve been waiting to get done! Whether that’s adding in a brand-new deck, expanding your kitchen or just getting your home a little more updated, a personal loan can make those big projects seem a whole lot smaller.

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Three Ways to Keep Your Cash Safe This Summer

June 8, 2023

Nothing ruins a Summer vacation quite like financial fraud, and Louisiana is consistently ranked as one of the highest states with reported fraud-per-capita. With massive increases in all types of fraud in recent years, it’s more important than ever to make sure that you’re doing everything possible to ensure your money and identity stays as safe as possible – and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

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Three Ways to Help Build A Budget With Your Working Teen

April 26, 2023

Getting their very first job (and very first paycheck) is a big responsibility for your children. It’s important to prepare them for financial success down the line by working with them to create a strong financial foundation now with practical lessons that remain true no matter what your bank account balance looks like.

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5 Reasons to get a Personal Loan.

April 5, 2023

When you need a financial boost, a personal loan can help meet your personal needs and keep your life on track without worrying about paying for bigger expenses all at once. Here are some of the biggest ways a personal loan can help you.

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Strongly Serving our Community for more than 120 years.

April 3, 2023

With roots that reach back more than 120 years, we’ve been serving this community for generations. Throughout that time, we’ve learned a thing or two about the banking needs of our neighbors. 

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